Vision and Mission Statement

Our Vision

As the Ethics Center for North Carolina’s urban research university, The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics works to promote a culture of robust research and discussion in ethics and the application of ethical research and debate in the University, Charlotte community, and beyond.

Our Mission

The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics collaborates with a range of constituencies, providing ethics expertise and research as a foundation for ethical deliberation. Together we shape an interdisciplinary intellectual and moral space in which people can critically assess, thoughtfully discuss, and strategically address ethical challenges in areas such as business, healthcare, information technology and popular culture.

Our Specific Aims

  1. To engage faculty and students from across the university in ethics-focused intellectual/academic activities, research collaborations, and community outreach.
  2. To collaborate with other universities and academic institutions across the region to promote ethics-oriented academic programming.
  3. To be a place where intentional, intellectual and evidence-based discussion of issues of inclusion (especially of groups traditionally underrepresented in the Academy) and justice is possible and supported.
  4. To Facilitate communication and collaboration among faculty with ethics-related expertise and research and the off-campus professional community.
  5. To provide ethics-related programming to professional organizations, community leaders, local institutions, and the general public, on themes consistent with the Center’s and its faculty’s strengths, such as medical ethics, technology, inclusion and justice.
  6. To increase awareness on and off campus of the ethical importance of public practices and policies.