News 2008-2009


Dr. John Lantos


“A Tiny Baby in a Court of Law: Moral Distress in the Nursery”

John D. Lantos, MD, is nationally recognized for his leadership in bioethics with a distinguished career in pediatric medicine. He comes to the Center for Practical Bioethics in Kansas City as the first holder of the John B. Francis Chair in Bioethics after serving as Professor of Pediatrics and Section Chief for General Pediatrics at The University of Chicago. Dr. Lantos has served as Associate Director of the MacLean Center for Clinical Medical Ethics and as co-director of the Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Scholars Program.
Click Here to read more about Dr. Lantos.

Please also look for Dr. Lantos on the next UNC Charlotte Channel 22 TV Medicine and Society program, sponsored by the Mecklenburg County Medical Society.

4th Annual BB&T Business Ethics Forum


Wesley Cragg, PhD
Project Director of the Canadian Business Ethics Research Network, Founding President and Chair of Transparency International Canada

Click Here for Dr. Cragg’s Bio

Co-Sponsored By:

The Belk College of Business and The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics

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Thanks goes to Dr. Denis Arnold, Surtman Distinguished Scholar in Business Ethics for arranging for Dr. Cragg to be this year’s BB&T Business Ethics Forum speaker.

“Cultural Contradictions: Jane Addams’s Struggles with the Life of Art and the Art of Life”

Presented by Charlene Seigfried, PhD

Charlene Haddock Seigfried is a professor of philosophy and American Studies at Purdue University. She is past president of the Society for the Advancement of American Philosophy and of the William James Society. She was awarded the Herbert W. Schneider Award for 2009 for her Distinguished Contributions to the Understanding and Development of American Philosophy, the 2005 John Dewey Society Outstanding Achievement Award and was the John Dewey Lecturer for 1998 and 2006. Among her many publications are: Chaos and Context: A Study in William James and William James’s Radical Reconstruction of Philosophy. Her contributions to inaugurating the field of pragmatist feminism include the first book in this area, Pragmatism and Feminism, as well as her edited Feminist Interpretations of John Dewey and introductions to reprinted editions of Jane Addams’s Democracy and Social Ethics and The Long Road of Woman’s Memory. She is currently working on a book on “Sympathetic Understanding and Cooperative Inquiry: Jane Addams’ Social Philosophy.”

Please click here for an Abstract of Dr. Seigfried’s Presentation

A special thanks goes to Dr. Mike Eldridge of the Philosophy Department for bringing Dr. Seigfried to UNC Charlotte.

The Issue of Immigration


Dr. Joseph Carens, Professor of Political Science at the University of Toronto presented two programs on the issue of immigration. On March 25th, Dr. Carens presented a public lecture on “Who Belongs? Immigration, Democracy, and Citizenship”, and on March 26th Dr. Carens presented a luncheon/workshop entitled “The Moral Claims of Irregular Migrants.” Below are the abstracts from both events and a bio for Dr. Carens.

Abstract for “Who Belongs? Immigration, Democracy, and Citizenship”

Abstract for “The Moral Claims of Irregualr Migrants”

Bio for Dr. Joseph Carens

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A special thanks goes to Dr. Peter Higgins of the Philosophy Depatment for helping to bring Dr. Carens to UNC Charlotte.

This event was sponsored by:

The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics and the Philosophy Department.

A Closer Look at Information Technology


Dr. Helen Nissenbaum, Professor of Media, Culture and Communication at New York University and Senior Fellow for the Information Law Institute of NYU School of Law visited UNC Charlotte March 3rd and 4th. Dr. Nissenbaum presented a public lecture entitled “Privacy in Context” and a luncheon/workshop entitled “Values in IT Design: Equality, Diversity, Creativity, and More”. Below are the abstracts for both events and a link to learn more about Dr. Nissenbaum.

Abstract for “Privacy in Context”

Abstract fo “Values in IT Design: Equality, Diversity, Creativity, and More”

To learn more about Dr. Helen Nissenbaum and her work click here

This event was co-sponsored by:

ADVANCE and the College of Computing and Informatics

Third Annual Engineering Ethics Luncheon/Workshop

“Values and Value: Doing the Right Thing in Challenging Times”

Speaker Barbara Mulkey, PE, FASCE


Barbara Mulkey specializes in civil and structural engineering services. Having been involved in projects for the public and private sectors for over 30 years, she has considerable experience on both large and small civil and structural engineering projects. She has served as Founder and Chairman of the Board since February 1, 2008. Prior to assuming this new role, she served as the Chief Executive Officer of Mulkey Engineers & Consultants since its inception in 1993, and as President from 1993-2006. She has a passion for promoting education and leadership, and focuses much of her volunteer time in those areas.

Barbara graduated Magna Cum Laude from North Carolina State University where she earned a BS, Civil Engineering and MSC, Structural Engineering. Barbara is a registered Professional Engineer in NC, SC, VA, WV, GA, and FL.

The Third Annual Engineering Ethics Luncheon/Workshop had a large number of attendees, which included area professionals, students and faculty. Chancellor Dubois made Barbara Mulkey’s introduction in his usually witty way, leaving the audience and Barbara laughing. Barbara Mulkey engaged the audience by posing ethical dilemmas and asking what their responses would be; she then shared what her company did when faced with the same situations. Ms. Mulkey shared with the audience some of her mistakes as she found her way in the Engineering sector. She really allowed the audience to see how she learned from her mistakes and how this helped her shape the ethical foundation of her own business, Mulkey Engineers & Consultants, Inc.

This event was sponsored by:

General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products, Inc., The William States Lee College of Engineering and The Center for Professional and Applied Ehtics

Many thanks to the sponsors, Barbara Mulkey, and everyone who attended!!

Dr. Sue Rosser Conducts Luncheon/Workshop and Lecture at UNC Charlotte

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Sue Rosser, PhD, Ivan Allen Dean’s Chair of Liberal Arts and Technology from the Georgia Institute of Technology came to UNC Charlotte on February 2. Dr. Rosser conducted a luncheon/workshop on “Dealing with Difference: Tapping People’s Critical Reflection Skills Throughout the RTP Process.” The workshop featured four panelists from the University, who along with Dr. Rosser responded to three cases studies that focused on issues that may be faced within the RTP process. Akin Ogundiran (Africana Studies), Bob Kravchuk (Political Science), Lisa Rashotte (Sociology), and Robin Coger (Mechanical Engineering) served as panelists.
Dr. Rosser also conducted a public lecture on “Gender and Patents: A New Spin on a Familiar Theme.” The presentation outlined findings on how women obtain patents at a much lower rate than their male counterparts. Dr. Rosser went through some reasons that may influence why women are not obtaining patents and ways in which some companies and groups are addressing this issue. Below is a PowerPoint of Dr. Rosser’s presentation. “Gender and Patents: A New Spin on a Familiar Theme”, click here.

This event was sponsored by Academic Affairs, ADVANCE, The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics.


The Center’s Greater Charlotte Area Ethics and Compliance Officers Network Hosts Luncheon/Workshop

The Greater Charlotte Area Ethics and Compliance Officers Network hosted its first luncheon/workshop of 2009. The workshop held on January 29, featured Denis Arnold, PhD, Surtman Distinguished Scholar in Business Ethics. Dr. Arnold presented “A Summary and Assessment of the 2008 Report of the U.N. Special Representative on Business & Human Rights.” Dr. Arnold outlined the basics of this 10,000 page United Nations’ report, and explained what this meant to private sector businesses. Dr. Arnold touched on ethical, legal, social and economic issues that are involved in many of the directives set forth in this report. Some of the topics touched on were: the role of corporations in upholding human rights, active verses passive duty to human rights, stakeholders verses society, and the extent of corporate responsibility (how far reaching is that responsibility). His presentation was thought provoking and certainly left the audience with many issues to consider. Please click here for an abstract of this presentation and to learn more about Denis Arnold, PhD please click here.

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This luncheon/workshop was sponsored by Duke Energy, General Dynamics Armament and Technical Products, Inc., The Belk College of Business and The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics.
The Greater Charlotte Area Ethics and Compliance Officers Network provides networking opportunities and promotes ethical work place cultures through sharing knowledge and experience with best practices. If you are interested in receiving information about network events please email

Dr. Howard McGary Visits UNC Charlotte

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Dr. Micheal Kelly, Chair of Philosophy Dept.

Dr. Eddy Soufrant, Professor of Philosophy

Dr. Howard McGary, Speaker

Dr. Rosie Tong, Director of Ethics Center

Dr. Bill Gay, Professor of Philosophy

(from left to right)

Howard McGary, PhD from Rutgers University visited UNC Charlotte, January 26th and 27th. Dr. McGary’s visit to campus was facilitated by Dr. Eddy Souffrant and Dr. Bill Gay of UNC Charlotte’s Philosophy department through a Chancellor’s Diversity Challenge Grant award. On January 26th, Dr. McGary presented a public lecture entitled “Frederick Douglass, the Self-Made Man, and Racial Uplift”. On January 27th, Dr. McGary presented a luncheon/workshop on “Liberalism and the Problem of Racism”. The luncheon was co-sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. The luncheon was well attended and we thank all of those who made it to both events. Below are abstracts for the events and Dr. McGary’s bio.

“Fredrick Douglass, the Self-Made Man, and Racial Uplift”

“Liberalism and the Problem of Racism”

Howard McGary, PhD

UNC Charlotte’s Ethics Bowl Team Is Going to Nationals!


Congratulations to the Ethics Bowl Team for securing a place at this year’s National Ethics Bowl competition in Cincinnati, OH. The team placed fifth in the Mid-Atlantic Regional Ethics Bowl competition held in Chapel Hill, NC. The members are: Kevin Condon, Carolina Drake, John Hudson, Davis Kuykendall, Aura Lawson-Alonso, Kathleen Lowenstein, Charles Overman, Leah Rogers, Brandon Sides, and Steven Spero. Robin James and Mark Sanders are the faculty advisors for the team. We wish them luck as they prepare for the national competition held in March.

The Center Welcomes New Faculty Associate Members

Denis Arnold, PhD, Surtman Distinguished Scholar in Business Ethics and Associate Professor of Management, Belk College of Business. To learn more about Dr. Arnold please click here.

Sarah Laditka, PhD, Associate Professor and Director of the Master of Health Administration Program, Department of Public Health Sciences. To learn more about Dr. Laditka please click here.

Gordon Hull, PhD, Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department. To learn more about Dr. Hull please click here.

For a complete list of the Faculty Associates for the Center for Professional and Applied Ethics vist the website.

New Faces at the Center

The Center for Professional and Applied Ethics would like to welcome two new team members:

Mary Jo Speer, RN, Event Coordinator

Mariah Gallagher, MBA, Administrative Assistant

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