Technology Programming

Below are some highlights from our past technology-related events.

  • Annual Analytics Frontiers Conference: As a part of UNC Charlotte’s Data Science Initiative, Analytics Frontiers showcases the industry’s top leaders and innovators in data science. As the Southeast’s largest conference of its kind, this annual event connects C-level executives, top data scientists, researchers, entrepreneurs, academia, and government leaders together to share ideas, network and advance the region as a leading technology hub. With approximately 500-600 attendees, The Center is proud to be able to help bring nationally and internationally prominent ethics speakers to the event, including one of 2019’s Keynote speakers, Viktor Mayer-Schönberger, who spoke on the difficulties in conceptualizing big data’s problems using a privacy framework. 
  • Annual Southeastern Ethics and Philosophy of Technology Workshop (SEPOT): Now in its fifth year, SEPOT provide a forum for regional academic work in ethics, philosophy of technology, and Science and Technology Studies (STS).  As a collaborative effort with Virginia Tech’s STS program, SEPOT brings researchers together to discuss and  develop their  ideas. 
  • Erin Dalton, “Integrated Data to Support Practice: Lessons from Allegheny County”: Ms. Dalton’s presentation discussed Allegheny County’s unique data warehouse innovations, which include integrated data at the person-level to support care, predictive risk modeling to support worker decision making, and cross-systems analysis to support community planning and management decision making. 
  • Zeynep Tufekci, “Engineering the Public: Big Data, Surveillance and Computational Politics”: Prof. Tufekci (UNC School of Information and Library Science) examined six intertwined dynamics that pertain to the rise of computational politics: the rise of big data, the shift away from demographics to individualized targeting, the opacity and power of computational modeling, the use of persuasive behavioral science, digital media enabling dynamic real-time experimentation, and the growth of new power brokers who own the data or social media environments.